
Find the best cheap web hosting


How to find the best cheap web hosting ? Before choosing a particular web host, be aware that it is essential to define your needs. Indeed, these will dictate which characteristics are indispensable for your website and what criteria you need to consider.


So that your website is available at all times for its visitors, it must be hosted on a remote server.The latter is accessible 24h on 24, with the optimal conditions of traffic and connection.

It exists different kinds of web hosting. The most common currently, however, areshared hosting, dedicated server and cloud hosting.

We are talking about a dedicated server when a machine that is in a local of a host is rented to you. You can manage all the resources related to this machine, such as the storage volume, the technology used … However, a server has too much capacity that the cost quickly becomes excessive, especially for medium sized websites such as blogs or showcases. This is why we talk about shared hosting.

With this type of accommodation, the server itself is shared between multiple users and several websites. The cost is much more affordable since it is also shared. In this case, the management of the server is the responsibility of the entity that leases it.

Finally, a virtual hosting is the latest type of accommodation if you want to buy a web hosting. As the name suggests, vyour website is hosted on a server located on the cloud. The virtual server is actually composed of several physical servers that form a sort of super server that will be shared later by multiple users on the cloud.


Accommodation packages are offered by commercial companies. It follows that the offers available on the market are formulated according to a competitive logic. There will therefore necessarily be significant differences between suppliers. If you are looking for the best cheap accommodation, you must know its few points.

First, some hosts offer cheaper, but more limited offers (in terms of storage capacity, bandwidth, functionality …). From this point of view, there is even free accommodation. But again, it all depends on the actual needs of your website. It can happen that you need only very few resources. In that case,why pay more? Especially that your host offers you the opportunity to upgrade to a higher offer at any time, as soon as you need a little more resources.

On the other hand, some hosts have the possibility ofdisplay very advantageous prices thanks to the concept of “cloud”. By hosting your site on the cloud, you benefit from a logic: only the resources that your site uses are allocated to you and invoiced. And in the event of an increase in needs, access to additional resources is instantaneous. Unlike conventional accommodations where resources are allocated to you initially, that you must pay even if in the end you did not use them.


As we have already mentioned, suppliers offer different kinds of formulas as attractive as each other. However, be sure to choose an accommodation that ensures at least 50 GB storage space of which at least 10 GB for MySQL databases, then 5 email addresses and FTP access secured. The best hosts today offer unlimited resources, it’s almost always the best option.

Apart from the technical side, you must also choose your supplier wisely. Because some prices too advantageous hide bad suppliers. Who are they ? These are providers who sublease virtual private servers, but who do not respect the terms of the contract or who do not offer a satisfactory support service compared to real professionals for example. There are even hosting providers that disappear without warning, swallowing your site at the same time. Fortunately, the le-discussion forums provide us with the information we need. Internet users denounce bad suppliers and never tire of giving good marks to the most deserving.

One last point: some providers offer complementary services, such as automatic site creation software, SEO tools … These tools may correspond to a slightly higher price, but may be necessary