
Create an online store with Woocommerce


You have a site WordPress and you want to get started e-commerce by creating an online store ? Or would you like to simply join a card and shopping cart system that allows visitors to your website to shop there? Do you have ideas full of head and you say “if only, novice that I am, I could set up my own shop just in a few clicks”? ELook no further, Woocommerce is for you. It will allow you to go from simple projects to concrete achievements. You will not have to spend a fortune, or learn hundreds of pages to write lines of code. The solution is there, available and ready: WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create, manage, measure and maintain a business or an online store. Plus, it will not cost you anything since it is free and free. Free (open source) means here that you can install it as many times as you want, integrate it into as many web sites as you want, even change the source code if you want.

To create a website, WordPress is known for its simplicity and its very high performance, usable by anyone, without the need for computer programming knowledge. It’s the same for WooCommerce that was built to integrate perfectly with WordPress. Moreover, we strongly recommend that you use the MisterHosting service which will also be useful for launching your project.

The solution presented by WooCommerce will appeal to both owners or future owners of online stores, developers and programmers because everyone can take full control.


Simply, you can start in creating an online store and start selling what you want. Whether physical or digital goods for sale or download, of all sizes and shapes, WooCommerce offers multiple configurations and endless possibilities. In addition to the basic options offered by this free solution, premium extensions can also be added, which would allow you for example to create systems of registration or subscription, management of discounts for your most loyal subscribers, there is really no limit.

Currently on the web, more than a third of online stores work thanks to WooCommerce and these statistics are growing continuously. If so many people trust him, there is a good reason, why not you?


As promised by WooCommerce, it is very easy to deploy. A few simple steps are enough to do it. In a few minutes, you will have installed WooCommerce and you will have your first online shop.

In the first place, you need to install WordPress, whether you are working on a local machine or your site is hosted on a server. To host an online store, however, we recommend using professional services. Given the significant traffic and the number of visits generated by e-commerce sites, it is more than sensible to turn to these professional service providers. Especially since some of them have made hosting WordPress sites, and therefore online stores running under WooCommerce, a real specialty. We recommend, as mentioned above, to visit the site of MisterHosting whose reputation is well established.

Then download and install the plugin WooCommerce. For this, in the administration area, go to plugins, then add new and there are the plugin “WooCommerce”. Once found, simply click Install Now.

Once your plugin is installed, simply configure the general settings of WooCommerce. Here, there is no particular difficulty, everything is done intuitively. Access the WooCommerce administration area, then enter settings.

Once you have set your parameters, all you have to do is insert the content. This is where you add and fill in your products, your categories etc … To proceed, go to the administration section and go to “Products”.

When done, test and verify that everything has been set. Browse your products, types and categories you have previously entered to see that everything is working normally as you wish.

At this stage, your online store is ready to open its doors to future buyers. Try to further explore all the settings offered by WooCommerce to enhance your new e-commerce site and get the most out of it.